Monthly Archives: April 2012


The months are flying by so quickly. SO quickly. 🙁

Sucks when you want a man to gnaw on but yours is an hour and half away and asleep. 


Dear Me

I sound like a schizophrenic every time I write about the wedding happenings. 
One post being reasonable, one post all AGHGHDLKJG I HATE TEH WEDDINGZPLANSING

I apologize.. but that's exactly how it's going in real life too.

This weekend someone tried to put me into a size eight wedding dress.
I don't understand anything anymore.

I'm also going to be part of a ceremony where we exchange engagement rings. Except I already have an engagement ring.
This culture merging stuff is weird. My only solution is .. to not really have a solution and roll with the punches. Man, I never even once thought about the details of my wedding my entire life! I only ever thought about the details of my next meal or dreamed about international expeditions! 

Gender roles. I fail pretty badly at mine.


I don't understand how it's already Wednesday. Almost.
I have 24 weeks and 4 days until my wedding day.
I feel like I should be on the shake diet until that day.

I think Jeremy and I should go on the shake diet for May. Or maybe April 12th-May12th, since May 12th is my betrothal ceremony.

I don't know.
Weddings are stupid. They take everything important in your life, toss it in the trash for a year, and then make you focus on the most shallow and expensive things for months. 
