Posts Tagged: awesome


The last few Saturdays have all been about getting things aligned for the wedding. Jeremy and I couldn't get anything together for this Saturday so after he flew in from Idaho, we have had the entire day together. It's been awesome. Simple and awesome.

There's a new bakery that's opened right down the street from my neighborhood called Hansel & Gretel. It's another one of those European inspired Korean bakeries. I probably shouldn't have eaten anything there. But I did. We went for a run in the park afterwards. We did about 3 miles and then walked the last mile hand in hand. He's way faster than me but I love that.  ðŸ™‚ I am a whore for competition so I've definitely set beating Jeremy at running as a goal. 

He's gonna have to watch out. 🙂

It's already 5pm but I feel restored from this week. I love getting away from work after five days and just enjoying the simple pleasures of being young and unburdened. It feels so good. 

Hopefully things will keep going smoothly for our wedding. It will be pretty expensive but I'm willing to sacrifice a little for my mom and dad. They are so hung up on meeting family expectations and I've broken enough molds for the past 12 months. I'll give them this one last thing.

Ami is coming over around 6:30 to go shoe shopping. No, not heels. Runners! I already got a sweet pair but I love walking around Discover Mills so I don't mind accompanying her up there. We'll probably do dinner afterwards. Maybe Vargas will join us since his girlfriend's out of town this weekend.

Did I mention Vargas has a girlfriend? She seems nice.
But this probably means we won't be seeing as much of Vargas. I'll miss the time with him, but its a great thing that he's chillin with Pam. Especially since they've been long time friends. Think 10+ years. I think that's awesome.

🙂 Life's been good today.