
In the midst of my daily rush, I find moments that seem to linger like tendril of smoke in the air.  This morning, for example, I found myself awakened by an argument I was having with my mother in a dream. I was having accusations thrown at me about the most ridiculous things. My dream mother was saying such nonsensical things that agitated dream me so much it left a bad taste in my limbic system which slowly flooded my muscles with all the chemical byproducts of stress and anger.

Helpless is the only way I feel when my mind and body decide to set the tone of the day to 'BAD' before it's even begun.  The remainder of the day was surprisingly good. I spent some time thinking about my dinner with my manager last night. I'm thankful for the people at different stages in their lives present throughout my own life. I feel like they're there to impart wisdom to me in indirect ways. Andy did a sermon on this.. and I think the phenomena was labeled 'providential relationships'.

I'm under the impression that everyone has some positive wisdom to give you. Truthfully, the majority of the time it's not even intentional on their part. I believe that life has a lot to offer an observant person in the fields of what to do, what not to do, and the importance of introspection. Learning about others' lives gives them a chance for them to tell their story, and in turn you start to see patterns in human behavior, the patterns in human normalcy, and the amazing methodology behind the survivors of a human struggle. 

And yet here I am still trying to figure out how to slip Lil' Wayne into my wedding.
Maturity: not yet acquired.  

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