You know, the only person who has made me regret the most in life is myself. 🙂

And there’s a huge difference between turning on some music, finding some lyrics, and pretending you’re on some amazing life journey, convincing yourself that you just haven’t gotten to the interesting parts yet, and actually getting out there and living your life.

From what I can tell, the people who LIVE and the lyric posters are almost mutually exclusive.
In my own life, it’s been either one or the other.

It’s also been a good while since I’ve done something fun and stupid.

Also Tumblr is really bad for your creativity. 99% of it is just blogs of other people’s content almost never attributed correctly. Reblogging everything that inspires me.. well that seems silly now that I really think about it. Pinterest though, that’s where it’s at. TOTALLY DIFFERENT AMIRITE?

I’m also out of food.

I think all this talk about getting out there and living is probably just me trying to muster enough motivation to drag myself to walmart which is five minute away.

Dinner was walnuts and fruit tea. That’s actually pretty much all the edible food in the house.

But you know I’m already chilling in my bra and shorts and getting dressed and going to walmart at 11pm is going just get me stabbed so this means I have to find lyrics right?

Well I actually tried to find lyrics and there only lyrics about being hungry for money or women.

I probably sound like I’m high now.
As if I’ve ever been edgy enough to smoke weed. Please. The halo is way too tight on this bitch.

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