Monday Night

We finally went to Home Depot today and bought our new appliances! I am excited. A new fridge, stove and dishwasher, all stainless steel, will grace my kitchen.

I was kind of good today with my diet. I had a frittata for lunch and chicken wings and granola bars for dinner. I did walk the four miles home though! Tomorrow I will try eating even healthier and will try to stick to my calorie limit.

I got bored of my music today on the long walk home and decided to download an audiobook. I wound up buying The Art of War by Sun Tzu. I’ll be honest, part of the reason I bought it was because I didn’t know if I was an audiobook person and it was just $2.75. I really enjoyed it though. I’ve still got a good read but it’s interesting to listen to the observations and tactics for victory that can apply across several human situations. I’ll listen more to it tomorrow.

I’m sleepy! Good night!

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