January 11th

I’m trying my best today to finish Hina’s Mehdni session. The people over at Feng Long have already finished. I don’t know why I decided I wanted to look at them and wonder if I am as good or worthy to call myself a professional photographer. It’s an insecurity that constantly drives me to be better. But then again, it’s an insecurity.

My parents come back from India today. Their flight is delayed a couple of hours and is now only going to arrive at 7pm. I guess we will be seeing them late tonight. My brother has apparently taken good care of the house this time so I am glad we aren’t going to some sort of disaster. 🙂 I am sure Manny will be thrilled my dad will be back in the house. He did okay this time without them, it seems. At least, he doesn’t smell like trash.

I feel like it has been a while since I have had a truly free weekend to myself. Business has taken quite a lot of time since it takes several hours of work per event. I would say 2-3 hours for every one hour of shooting is spent editing. The truth is, though, that my laptop isn’t powerful enough to churn out photo edits as quickly as I would like it to. In fact, the great majority of the time spent on editing is just waiting for the photo to load in lightroom, to transfer to photoshop, to run the actions, then I actually edit the details and layers etc, then it takes a bit to flatten and send back to lightroom, and then to move to the next amount of photos. I configured some awesome PCs on Dell, HP and Cyberpower. I considered a macbook, and in fact I’m still saving for one, but I think at the end of the day the most useful system to me will be a Windows Desktop. To buy a similar amount of power in a Macbook Pro would cost me close to 4500. It’s not worth it to me yet to move to Mac as my workhorse. I think that’s fine. Having a mac is kind of a status thing right now for most people. Some developers, designers and productivity fellas really like the Mac and I am still curious. I will be buying a base level MacBook Pro this year and if I like it I may decide that it’s worth it to switch. We’ll see. Performance, especially batch performance, is everything for me.

That and not having to wait to play the best video games on the market right away. 😛

I think I am going to have to edit all of the photos for Hina and Hammad’s wedding. The photos for Saadi and Rini’s wedding had a little bit too much editorial flux in them for me. I don’t think Jeremy particularly enjoys editing either. I can tell. I think he may just have to be the guy that takes the 2nd set of photos and I will edit them all. It’s a lot of work for me but it’s okay. It’s my passion, not his. I love that he wants to do this with me, but I’m not blind. I can see that it’s not his thing. He’d be happier throwing kettle bells around and watching Colombo. Nothing wrong with that, but I think we’d both be happier that way.

I need a break. But I need to finish this set of photos tonight.

Ah. Double Job. I think you caught up to me a little. :}

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